Thursday 7 July 2022

Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne Review

Watching this series for the first time and I can say I have seen enough edge to last me a looooong while. It's decent enough but man the sex scenes, people getting tied up and all the kinky shit going on, it starts to get grating after a point.

I get that it's an OVA and they tend to be much edgier than series due to not being on TV but this really pushed it. Not bad, and I normally tend to stay quiet on stuff I find decently enjoyable but this show really makes say this regarding "fan service" in anything if you are proud of how your character looks and you have someone that looks attractive in your movie or show, fine by me, I won't tell you what to do, but when you start shoving in how sexy they look every 5 - 10 minutes I am just going to be like, "I get the damn point already". It's like showing off your new shoes or car and keep reminding people of it, like shut up man, I get the point. I get being proud of something but just say it don't spray it.

I am convinced that Apos got beaten the way he did because Rin wasn't a good fighter and they didn't how to make a compelling fight scene and they were written into a corner.

It's also weird how Apos gets defeated at the last minute considering he spent most if not the whole series making Rin look like a chump and then out of nowhere Rin learns about some revelation and then wins.

So despite all my complaining, why so I give this series a 6 then? Well because I do enjoy things about it. I do enjoy characters like Rin and Mimi and the first half of the series was solid enough of it being supernatural detective thriller. I liked the mystery aspect of the first half and the idea of following a detective who is immortal is an interesting concept and was executed decently enough and it can even be thought provoking particularly in the first 3 episodes of how Rin tries to stay sane despite all the crazy stuff happening to her, everyone around her and the crazy psychos she meets.

All though the series starts to lose me in the 2nd half especially the more that said 2nd half goes on. I am not a big fan of them introuducing all that weird sci fi stuff. It really should've kept the supernatrual aspects while keeping in the modern day setting mainly because I feel it makes for a more consistent story, and I found the detective aspect more interesting than the cyberpunk aspects they introduce later. I know the series had sci fi stuff in it's first half but it was more interesting due to how it played a part in the whole mystery aspect of that part. It loses it's intrigue when you change it from a detective thriller to a cyberpunk story about corporations and the frequent timeskips don't help either since there is no smooth transition to any of this stuff. This OVA should've been like the first Highlander movie and had it take place in the past and then slowly have it reveal to the modern day since Rin's backstory only get glimsped at in this series.

Another big criticism is the lack of compelling fights or at least how they try to excuse the lack of action by having immortal women getting turned on by weird vampric angel things, it almost feels like to me the animators didn't know how to make any compelling action since the few we do get are nothing to write home about so the writers put this plot point in so they won't have to animate as much when raising the stakes, as weird as that sounds.

Alright show overall, but you could make a drinking game out of the amount of times someone is tied up, have someone completely naked, and they shove in a gratuitous sex scene or a just scene that is suggestive. Rin gets her clothes ripped more than Bruce Banner does. It sounds like I didn't like it but I do, but it has a number of problems for it to be consistently enjoyable for me.

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