Monday 25 July 2022

Dawn of the Monsters Review

I enjoyed the game a lot more than I thought I was going to. The combat was pretty solid, it controlled pretty well for a game where you played as a slower giant sized character on a 2D plane.

I don't normally talk about this but the game looked amazing. The animations, the art style, the location variety all really stood out and looked eye popping. The story is pretty decent too, I was engaged with it a lot more than I thought I was going to be, and I am not overly familar with media it draws from. The characters and their interactions did a good enough job at selling the narrative.

Another thing I was surprised by is that for a coop game, the game actually feels doable in solo mode. You get these New Doom style executions that replenish health, special attacks for each character, and dodging which feels pretty smooth and reliable, perfect dodging comes in handy as well. Tempest Gallahad was my favorite character due to her long range attacks as well as her area of effect attacks. I will admit, I didn't engage with stuff like parrying and I did rely on Tempest's stacking up super area of effect attacks late game due to the amount of enemies the late game throws at you but I am glad they were there since I would've just been frustrated by how I keep dying to the late game's enemy waves.

As far as 2D brawlers and Kaiju themed games are concerned, it was a solid enough experience despite combo based brawlers is something I get more of a casual enjoyment out of.

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