Thursday 17 February 2022

Wet Review

This is the closest I have ever played to Max Payne meets Prince of Persia. It combines shooting and platforming in a way that I haven't seen other shooters do before or since.

You can do parkour but you can also do parkour while enemies are shooting at you. Usually in a lot of other games, shooting and platforming tend to be seperate but here, the platforming and the arena are both are connected. For example there are arena levels in the game where how much air time you have and sliding, only doing special actions activates the Bullet Time.

With all that said, the game has some major problems holding it back, the platforming is extremely buggy, very buggy, there are times where you jump and the game is supposed to register a ledge grab but it doesn't happen. Many deaths will happen due to how buggy the platforming is. I really do think this is why so many are lukewarm and even dislike the game. There are other problems too, sometimes enemies can chip away at Rubi's health very quickly and this can be a problem when platforming and reaching places, the hitscan weapons of course makes it almost impossible to avoid damage unless in Bullet Time so you have a good chance of dying when surronded by many enemies and aren't actively using it. The dream like sequnces makes it hard to tell where you are and are not allowed to go to because of the colors and there is just an over reliance on QTEs in general. It was pretty funny how this game's final boss was a QTE despite her not being a regular human enemy. Still, it's enjoyable as long as you can get past the buggy platforming.

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