Wednesday 23 February 2022

Bright Memory: Infinite

 Bright Memory Infinite is a strange game. For what a small indie dev managaed to pull off, it's pretty impressive, and it's entertaining enough for the 2 hours it lasts. 

But a part of me really can't help but think what if the campaign was 5 hours and slowly eased the player into the mechanics rather dump everything on him at once? 

It throws everything at you in one go. Not only that but it seems to combines elements of so many different fps games, it's a movement shooter like Titanfall and new Doom, but it also has elements of the Shadow Warrior reboot games with the sword combat, AND if you thought that wasn't enough it also has CoD style stealth sections and scripted vehicle chases. It has the grappling hook and wall running from the before mentioned Titanfall, then to top everything off it has a regen health system that is kind of like Halo's.

It also has elements of Devil May Cry in there as well. I haven't played an fps that feels this much like Frankenstein's monster since Duke Nukem Forever all though this game is much better. 

Another big issue is that the game tends to funnel you down a lot through corridors which can be a problem when melee enemies are attacking you AND hitscanners and since the game uses Halo style regen health that means you are going to have a number of cheap deaths.

The forgiving checkpoint system helps mitigate much of the potential frustration you could have, still a decent if undercooked and bizarre game.

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