Sunday 13 February 2022

Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault Review

For a game that I heard was bad and was the worst in the series for so many years, I actually like it. It's not a great game and All 4 One is better but as a weird Ratchet spinoff game, it's actually kind of fun. I do think it's brevity is what helped in that. If the game was any longer, I probably would've gotten sick of it, but the length of the game fitted it pretty well. Killing a horde of enemies with the Ratchet weaponry felt pretty good.

I am judging it as a spinoff rather than a full fledged Ratchet game and it's not bad. All though the penultimate level was some next level bs. I found a cheesing method by getting bolts and slowly building more defenses after every checkpoint save, this was a life saver because the last Tower Defense section throws EVERYTHING the game has it at you, and Insomniac unlike most coop devs realized that you shouldn't do a super long level again after failing since it makes it easier to play it solo. Then after the longest enemy wave ever you have to do an escourt quest and I don't think I could've beaten this if the bomb's health didn't slowly regenerate after every death. The writing was just...there. Not bad enough to annoy me, not good enough to stand out. This game is proof more than ever that I should never trust what other people say. What's bad to one person can be decent or good to someone else.

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