Monday 31 October 2022

Short Game Reviews: October 2022

Dino Stalker:

Honestly for a game that gets such a bad reputation and heard was bad, I had a decent time with it, I did play on easy so it could've mitigated the potential frustration everyone else might've had with the game but at the same time, the guns felt decent to shoot and the dinosaur killing felt pretty solid. I don't really care for light gun games, and I played on easy partly due to the fact I did not have the peripheral needed to play this game effectively. I might prefer this game over the first Dino Crisis since it's much shorter and I would much rather mow down dinos than run away from them and this game provides just that. Hearing the fan service call backs to Dino Crisis 2 with Dylan and especially the music was nice considering I just replayed Dino Crisis 2 again.

Issues I had where that the aiming controls, of course with an analog stick wasn't the greatest, it's generally easy on the foot segments since you can aim the reticle low and the enemies will be and jumping at you from that position but during the traditional on rails parts and boss fights, it can be a bit cumbersome since I can't aim as reliably as I could. The movement during on foot sections can be slow and awkward since moving and turning takes a little too long but this is only an issue with bosses.

So overall, I had a solid time, not the best game in the world, but not the worst, it's also weird how Dino Crisis 2's cliffhanger gets addressed in a light gun spin off of all things and no Regina is also a con but the game's combat feels decent and the game never over stays it's welcome to the point where I really got annoyed by the above mentioned issues.


Pretty enjoyable and relaxing game but I prefer stuff like Alba and a Short Hike. Playing this game without a guide just felt like I was going around in circles. I did enjoy it with a walkthrough oddly enough but overally, I had a decent enough time, for a PS Plus game I got, this was enjoyable, not sure if I would actually go out of my way to buy this game otherwise.


I was initally turned off by the mandatory challenge unlocks to progress through the game and I had to use assists in order to get them and the game by that point since I was so used to having them. It felt like the challenges were there to extend the play time since the game reuses maps a lot.

But outside of this major gripe, this game was a blast to play, the game feel and polish, the movement, and moving around at fast speeds getting quicks while switching weapons while getting multiple kills in slo mo just makes me feel like death defying stunt man. Mechanically, this game is fantastic and I don't have much to critique, I hope if they make a sequel or expansion, they have more maps and cut the mandatory "optional" objectives out.


This was a pretty solid 2d platformer. The game keeps things fresh and varied enough for it's run time to keep it entertaining throughout, the presentation is also well done and charming and giving the game a unique feel from other games of it's type.

My only big gripe with the game is that the live system is ultimately pointless and a red herring. You get so many that you never run out plus you have 3 HP that you can even get back if you recover your heads. So getting a full on game over is hard to do, and the game is already easy, it was really better off unlimited continues with how little the lives system ultimately added to the game.

Goldeneye 007:

The game can be dull compared to EA and Activision's Bond games. The latter games has so much more charm and feels like you are playing an action movie. Here it's just hitscan combat and completing objectives which I think stuff like the Medal of Honor games, Syphon Filter and Timesplitters 2 do better.

Goldeneye just feels so vanilla compared to Bond games that came later. Like how people bash Uncharted 1 for being lots of cover shooting and not enough specticle.

No original theme music, no car chases and over the top set pieces, no voice acting for the time this might be considered a major stride for Bond games and licensed games in general but now? The game feels like a relic even though I like the damage animations

I don't outright "dislike" the game but everything this does I can name other stuff that does it better. All though this is better than Perfect Dark from what I played for not being as scripted.

Sonic CD:

Wow, I actually kind of liked Sonic CD. It still has the same issues but if you don't try to get the good ending, you can breeze by 95% of the stages and they are much shorter than Sonic 1 and 2. The last two stages had some nasty difficulty spikes. I am still not a big fan but it's not as frustrating as Sonic 1 and 2 can be.

James Bond: Everything or Nothing:

Decent game overall, I might prefer the From Russia with Love game but this game is still a good enough rollar coaster ride. I played on easy since the game was a hitscan shooter with an awkward aiming and cover system. I did like how the game knew cover based shooting is generally not that interesting so it puts in car and bike chases, gadget use like the spiderbot, rappeling down areas to give the levels more spice, and different sections with the car like stealth and timed missions. Shooting is also satisfying and it was cool to see Willem Dafoe as a Bond villain or just being an over the top character in general.

My only major gripes is the awkward aiming and cover system which can make shootouts cumbersome at points especially when there are lots of enemies shooting at you and you trying to aim for that headshot and sometimes the enemies being so far away or high up that the auto aim can't track the enemies. The melee can feel weird at times since I am trying to use guns and comboing bad guys can get in the way when getting shot at so much. The controls aren't the greatest overall but I got used to them. That falling mission to save Sarena was a strange difficulty spike that was weirdly the hardest part of the game.


It's overall a pretty solid fps game and it does have some of the death animations and weapon feel in the indie fps scene. The level design isn't too complicated and is straightforward enough to keep the action going at a solid pace. And while I do really like this game some there are some things that annoyed me about it.

First being the reloading, fine in the early levels but it feels especially grating towards the end of the game where the game just throws wave after wave of enemies at you and so much shit happens on screen the last thing you want is to have a gun reload when shooting an enemy. The next issue and this might bother a lot of people is the checkpoint system, you die and then respawn with how much ammo and enemies that were left standing before the game over happened. I feel like this system was in place because the devs just knew how crazy the waves get and to avoid frustration, they mitigated the consequnces of deaths. I won't deny during the late game, this checkpoint really mitigated a lot of frustration but then the final boss takes away the checkpoint system in a rather trollish way and it can come out of left field since the player was relying on it so much for 99.9% of the game.

Still a very good game, but I got some problems with it.

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