Sunday 9 October 2022

Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Review

It certainly feels like CoD2 for what was basically "last gen" consoles at the time. While this game is better than United Offensive and CoD3, I can't help but feel this game felt like it was rethreading old ground that Infinity Ward already did in the first game. The weapon feel and damage animations feel like the first CoD, and I really got the feeling of "been there done that" when shooting down planes with a flak cannon, planting charges, blowing up tanks, and breaching through doors. I can see why CoD eventually changed to Modern Warfare and why Treyarch later for World at War made the game much darker, and had more mature content considering there were already at least around 5 games using the WW2 subset that IW did when they made the first CoD.

Not terrible and I would rather take this game over United Offensive anyday of the week, the whole game just feels like traditional CoD single player tropes with how scripted it is, nothing in the game ever happens or moves unless you the player does something.

The music is decent and the character interactions are okay, the gameplay feels fine and I also like and is also weird how it's the only CoD game ever made where you can geniunely use hip fire due to having a dedicated aiming reticle, so it gives this game some merit. I prefer the 7th gen CoD2 over this game, but as far as "spin offs" are concerned, this is a decent time, if by the numbers.

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