Monday 27 June 2022

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Review

 It's basically a a Splinter Cell 1 expansion pack. I do enjoy the game and I think I may prefer this game over the first one overall mainly due to the improvements it added like better climbing, the debut of the whistle feature(which is my favorite addition), moving bodies while opening doors, an indicator telling you when a body is hidden, and alarms going down after a certain period of time all though I only did this once. I also found the locations you visit more appealing like Jerusalem and Indonesia. I also think the music overall especially for the ambience to better but not on Chaos Theory levels.

While I do prefer this over the first, there are aspects about it that prevent from giving a full on reccomendation over SC1, the first being the super erratic AI, it was like that in SC1 but only at times in the latter but in PT, I get alerted out of nowhere, I shoot someone in the head then alarm, I punch a guy then alarm, I move slowly and then alarm, I always try to make sure no one is looking but I always activate alarms even though I shouldn't be. That and while this was a problem with the first game as well, the human shield mechanic feels like it isn't as useful as it should be due to enemies shooting past the shield and the really shitty hit detection for the pistol. I also found SWAT turning and the split jump to reach higher places underused. Also, I am glad Blacklist gave you the ability to knock out or kills guards from out of cover, that feature is a godsend after playing this game. I also kind of felt like the game could've ended at the level with Sadono since the last level with Soth as the villain feels like a weird bait and switch. While I don't talk about story much and SC's narratives were never THAT amazing Pandora Tomorrow feels like an anime filler episode, and the news broadcasts felt like it got in the way of what should've been geniune character interactions between Sam and his team.

Overall, the game is worth playing but is it the skippable entry in the series like many claim it to be? Sort of but I do think as an SC1 expansion, it's pretty solid.

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