Wednesday 22 June 2022

Gungrave Game Review

It is weird to think that Gungrave was created because the devs of a Trigun game didn't want to shelve what was already made. Overall, I decided to play the first Gungrave game, and it was...alright. I can see why people wouldn't like it.

The shooting mechanics lack depth and consists of mashing sqaure, the draw distance is small, it can slowdown at times, the controls aren't that great, and lacks proper camera controls, there are random difficulty spikes and the boss fight with Bunji is some next level bs with how much he spans his special move.

I can see some bashing it for being too short but I feel it fits the game because if it went on longer, the flaws would become even more apparent. That and I feel the length fits it's "old school" score based gameplay well.

I mainly like the game for it's style and the story itself was kind of engaging for a TPS game all though it could be I watched the anime first and it was interesting to see where the anime got it's inspirations from, and how the anime expanded on the story of the game and did it so well. The shooting is simple, but I think the carnage and destruction on screen was enough to be visually stimulating and I love Grave's animations and the music is also great. I'll eventually play Overdose since I hear it's better.

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