Thursday 2 June 2022

Battlefield 4 Campaign Review

I know playing Battlefield for the single player is like coming to a Ninja Gaiden game for the story but the more of these sps I play, the more I get why BF stopped trying to have them. BF1, Bad Company 1 and 5 might just have the most tolerable campaigns in the series but none of them are nothing remarkable. 

This game however despite me not playing BF3, has to be the worst of the all the ones I played. It shocks me how games like CoD Ghosts, Bioshock Infinite and Killzone Shadow Fall were the most lambasted campaigns of 2013 when this game is much much much worse than all 3. 

Where to start, the story is just a bargain bin political thriller story even CoD stories are more engaging since the latter have charismatic characters. 

The game gives you a custom loadout system you never need to experiment with since its a hitscan regen health shooter where you fight human enemies. You could lower the number of weapons and it makes no difference since they all kill the enemies in a few hits. 

There is stealth that makes me think that it might be a tatical shooter where you need to sneak up on enemies but they notice you way too fast and you can't even attach silencers on guns, and makes the barebones stealth more tedious. 

Then when you get caught, the game just throws lots of enemies at you and its a game of waiting for health to regen while you pop out take pot shots rinse repeat even on easy mode this is super boring. 

Then there is the dumb as shit friendly AI where you need to baby sit them in order to get anywhere, the one snow level where you need to get to the tram is a good example, I ran to the damn thing but I need to kill everyone so my braindead buddies can proceed to the next sequence and the enemies had snipers and grenade launchers can kill me across the map with pin point accuracy. 

Add to all of this the terrible checkpointing and the long levels that overstay their welcome, and you get the answer to the what if question, "how insufferably awful a CoD campaign could be if they checkpointed awfully and had long levels that overstay their welcome?" This game is what you get. 

The gunfire sounds is the only good thing about this game.

I thought Bad Company 2's sp was bad but this game makes that look award winning. Glad fps single players turned around after this. Hell, even later BF campaigns are a turn around in quality compared to...this. This might be one of the most umremarkable big budget shooter campaigns ever.

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