Thursday 10 November 2022

Turok(2008) Thoughts

Turok 2008 is not a very good game. I wanted to enjoy it, I really did but the game keeps shooting itself in the foot every 10 seconds.

Regen health sucks and always will fucking suck. Every 10 a game with this system adds challenge its because you get shot at from all sides and the game refuses to let you recover your health. If you are getting actively flanked you might as well not even try to fight back. Its about being lucky that the enemy finally stops shooting or hitting you. This game you get attacked from all sides so much that the regen health won't regen and you die. The hitscan guns only add to this since you can't dodge the attacks. Dinosaur fighting is barely any better, they are damage sponges, attack you from all sides and scripted animations play constantly from getting hit from behind to getting from the front. You either have little ammo or barely enough. Weapons feel barely on the adequate level and feedback isn't as good as it should be. The hint system is inconsistent when one minute the game will tell you where to go and another minute it doesn't. Checkpoints are super inconsistent and I probably wouldn't mind this if the game's combat wasn't so damn flawed. They don't even place them after cutscenes. I also hate how the dinosaurs grab you and you have to mash the trigger buttons like crazy.

Honestly, this game is not misunderstood, its simpily not a very good game. I guess a good thing about the game is that I kind of like the voice acting. But the game rips off Halo and Aliens while not being as good as either of them. The opening cutscene wants to be Aliens so bad that its painful. It kind of says something when I didn't like playing the demo of this game even as a kid and I remember why kid me disliked the game.

If there is one impressive thing about this game is how many celebrity VAs made it into the game. Maybe that's where the money went.

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