Wednesday 2 November 2022

Medal of Honor Underground Review

While the first game was pretty solid, this game was more of the same, not bad but it didn't have many innovations over the first game. It feels like more like an expansion than a sequel, not bad but I don't see much of a point in making this it's own game outside of the fact that consoles in the late 90s never did expansions to games that much if ever.

The game has some memorable missions like the part where you invade the house of a crazy Nazi leader, going to Africa, and liberating France, the level design is as solid as ever and the guns still feel solid to use. And I like how each major section feels like it is slowly escalating the stakes and the Nazis are out in full force when you are done. Like sending tanks on you or riding a bike while you shoot them as you put explosives on rockets.

But the controlling issues and aiming are still an issue and it stands out more in this game since it's longer. That and getting randomly ambused by enemies can get very grating and the new enemies like motorbike enemies are just a terrible addition to the roster since they move faster than you can aim your gun. The framerate can also really chug when lots of enemies are on screen and my gun would randomly not pop up and the movement still isn't as smooth as it could be.

Overall, more of the same, if you didn't like the first game then you won't like this one. In fact, play Allied Assault if you want any hope for this series appealing to you if you don't like the first one, this game or Frontline.

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