Tuesday 23 August 2022

Dragon Ball Super: Superhero Review

It was alright. It was exactly what I anticipated it would be. Lots of over the top fights, energy beams and retcons here and there. I was expecting that and I got just that. The Broly movie might have more consistent writing than this movie does but this movie is decent enough. I did like how it involved Piccolo and Gohan. Cell Max was so removed from the other character of the same name that he might as well be a different character altogether. Gohan learning the Special Beam Canon was weird. However, I did like the fact that Red Pharmaceuticals did indeed survive the original Dragon Ball and it felt clever for modern Dragon Ball in terms of writing. They did feel kind of wasted in this movie to have the Red Ribbon Army come back and then have them lose in the same movie, I get that it's a movie, but it felt like they went out of their way to bring them back just for them to get beaten, maybe a TV show arc could've worked better. Piccolo getting his new transformation was weird and it feels like the Dragon Balls are just really getting out of hand in how abused they are considering Shenron is a glorified plastic surgeon for Bulma.

All though the story is just getting sillier and sillier now even with Piccolo and Gohan getting their own "stand alone" movie of sorts, there are just way too many characters. Now there is Gamma 1 and Dr. Heda to add in DB's ever growing long cast of characters. I give the MCU and to some degree superhero comics a lot of crap for this and it seems Dragon Ball has headed in that direction for some time now. Toriyama has nasty and well known habbit to forget about certain characters and it shows here, like why wasn't Mr. Popo with Dende? Where was Tien? Where was Android 17 who was the winner of the Tournament of Power? It's truly hard to tell where on earth the story of "Toriyama forgetting about the last episode of Z but not really" is going to go.

Overall, movie is decent enough if you are a Dragon Ball fan and if you like modern DB thus far, if you don't and if you want to see someone besides Goku and Vegeta beat up a main villain then this movie might provide decent amounts of enjoyment but if you never like the series at all, this movie won't do much to change your mind.

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