Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Objectivity in Media Critique

If you've been discussing media on the internet for many years or a over a decade like I have chances are that the idea of "being objective" or "objectivity" tends to come up a lot when it comes to critiquing, discussing or debating media on whether or not if they are "good" or "bad". 

To define "objectivity" when it comes to the concept of media discussion, it is basically the kind found in journalism where you show no favoritism or signs of bias when writing an article on a subject or topic of any kind. You were completely imparital. 

Here is the thing: everyone is always going to be biased when it comes to media they like or dislike especially on whether or not if the person grew up with certain media, if it consumed during the perfect time in their live, or if they found something they never thought would resonate with them as much as they did. 

There is some truth to the concept of "objectivity" when it comes to critiquing fiction, but that's the thing, it's a half truth and when it comes down to it, people who value in the concept of being "objective" in the media critique sense tends to value the craftsmanship more than anything. 

For the most part, there are two kinds of people who consume fiction, if they choose to get into passionate discussions regarding it and not just view it as a primary means to escape their life for a few hours when they aren't at work, school or anything that doesn't involve their downtime, it's craftsmanship vs memorablity. The former are those who care about how fiction is constructed and formed and look for all kinds of different ways in how well made a piece of media in question is whether if if twists and plot points are foreshadowed well, if characters are well written, and if the themes of a story is poignant and well explored among many, many, many other things. Where as memorablity people care more for if the media in question is something if they will of course remember after experiencing it, and they don't care as much if the fiction in question has questionable design decisions in how it was crafted, they care more about how for the say "entertainment" value more than anything. 

If you want an example, there are two kinds of pro wrestling fans, those who care about the wrestling(the cherographed fights and stunts) and those who care about the entertainment side(promos, skits and sketches). Craftsman people are the former while memorablity is the latter.

For me, I'm for the most part on the craftsman side of entertainment since I experienced so much media over the years but there will be exceptions later in the write up. I will also bring the idea of "objectively bad" here and there. 

I'm going to be separating this blog into 3 categories since I actively consume all 3 entertainment mediums at a pretty active rate: Movies, anime and video games. 

1. Objectivity in Film 

When it comes to movies, believe it or not, I'm in many ways on the memorablity side of things since with movies, they require me to sit down for an hour and a half to 3 hours and beyond and since I have a hard time sitting in one place for too long especially when I have to stand still and not use my hands, the movie in question better be the most memorable hour and a half to 3 hours of my life. 

I'm going to compare two movies from the same franchise and while I consider both to be terrible, they both pretty much illustrates what I'm talking about: Mortal Kombat 2021 vs. Mortal Kombat Annhilation. 

From a craftsman's standpoint MK 2021 is "objectively" the better movie than MK Annhilation, the former has far better special effects, far more believable fight cherography, better acting and has a far more coherent plot at least by comparison. However the thing is, MK 2021 is generally a dull and forgettable film while MK Annhilation is hilariously terrible on so many levels that I'm going to remember it far more later down the line. Sure, MK 2021 from a craftsman's perspective is "better" but outside of the various scenes with Kano, I will not be looking back on the movie fondly since I argue it being the better made movie in terms of the craft just makes me wish the writing was better where with MK Annhilation, watching one clip from the movie is enough to burst me into laughter and have so much fun with it. 

Once again, if you prefer how competently made a movie is, MK 2021 is going to be a far superior experience to Annhilation but if you care about memorablity, you are going to prefer the latter. It esstentially comes down to personal preference. This is kind of what I mean by "objectively bad" not really being a thing since even stories that are bad from a craftsmanship standpoint might have so redeeming qualities and so bad, it's good you can just have a good laugh at. 

2. Objectivity in Anime

I consider myself a craftsman side when it comes to anime since the shows do require a time sync, and unlike movies something that is hilariously bad in a run time of an hour and a half to two hours can feel like diminishing returns if stretched out. I could put live action shows in here too but there isn't any overly mainstream examples that I know of for live action shows that are "so bad, it's good" or live shows with a following of any kind that was bad at the very start and continues to remain bad throughout it's entire run especially from a "craftsman" standpoint. 

This is where things get weird because anime has so many different lengths when it comes to various stories. It can range from OVAs around 4-5 or even less episodes to over 100 or even a over 1000 episodes in length. For the sake of keeping things simple I'm going to compare two series I don't consider myself a fan of and that is Genocyber and Elfen Lied. 

Genocyber is 5 episodes where Elfen Lied is 13 episodes. The former from a craftsman and "objectivity" standpoint is worse than the latter, episodes are very incoherent, the characters are poorly written and some episodes end without even a geniune proper resolution but at the same time, one could prefer Genocyber since it's shorter and is over way faster compared to Elfen Lied's 13 episodes. However, this is where someone could prefer Elfen Lied because from an emotional standpoint, there is more going on that than there is in Genocyber, the former has a "memorable" opening and the story and characters are far easier to follow than that of the latter. 

This once again, goes back to what I'm saying is what do you prefer, craftsmanship or memorablity? I actually finished Genocyber but Elfen Lied I never got to the end of so in a sense, when it comes to anime if it's not very well made, I prefer shorter the better. 

3. Objectivity in Video Games

This is obvious while also weird one but I'm a craftsman guy when it comes to games. If the game has geniunely bad gameplay like the kind of bad gameplay found in Superman 64 or Bubsey 3D, no one is going to call it good, maybe in a so bad it's good kind of way but not geniunely good. 

Video games however is the strangest one to talk about in terms of "objectivity" since there are many games that might be considered "bad" but play well decently enough but are more so considered that because they didn't live up to the player base's expectations. They might be moderately if not greatly enjoyed by game critics and if they enjoy those games, then chances are the game is probably not that bad if even great. Games require not only a time sync but also particpation from the audience so, if a game is geniunely "bad", it might get considered as such from people who play games for memorablity than craftsmanship. It's why games also get criticized for being "repetitive" or "generic" since those people might care for games being something they will not recall rather than if it's at least suffientently put together. Games could be considered "bad" if the story isn't to a person's liking which is another aspect memorablity people tend to value. 

That's the thing, games when it comes to craftsmanship and memorablity is where things get blurred. I don't think there are going to be many who say, "The Bouncer has better gameplay than DmC Devil May Cry". 

What is often considered "bad" in gaming is often disappointing than geniunely bad games. Games like Rogue Warrior, Aliens Colonial Marines, Knights Contract, Big Rigs and the before mentioned Superman 64 and Bubsey 3D are pretty much terrible games that no one geniunely likes. 

I'm rambling here but I see the term of "objectively bad" get thrown when it comes to games from time to time. Can a game be "objectively bad" and this is where once again, I say, "no". All though people playing games for how bad they are aren't as common as they are for movies, some people like enjoy breaking and mocking games for their short comings like Superman 64. Games like Fist of the North Star: Twin Blue Stars of Judgment has a cult following in competitive fighting game circles for how terribly unbalanced it is. Some people just love to laugh at Rogue Warrior, myself included for the one liners, curse words, terrible AI and Mickey Rourke's super earnest line delieveries. Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 is pretty much one big laughingstock for how bad it is. 

Gaming is where it can get very muddled but I argue the craftsman side to games is important, just that some will admit it more than others. 

Overall, this is pretty much where the write up concludes, at the end of the day, objectivity in media discussion while not the be all, end all isn't really that as complicated and enforced of a standard as many on the internet makes it out to be. Just be honest and self aware enough to know which side you are on: craftsmanship or memorablity, which ever side you are on just try to be modest about which side you pick. 

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