Monday 7 October 2024

A King's Tale: Final Fantasy 15 Review

For a game I randomly just heard about and played because it was free, this was a shockingly well made for what it is. I know this might sound crazy but this is a well made game from a series I never really cared about and based on a specific game from that said series I never played.

This is a well made 2D beat em up especially considering the fact that 2D beat em up I never really cared for that much.

Right away when picking up the game, what I loved about it is that moving up and down through the arena felt quick and smooth and on top of this, you have an actual evade command and avoiding attacks is something I can consistently do. Enemies also do a good enough job at telegraphing their attacks with them having various colored flashes above their head knowing when to move away, I can also cancel out of a combo and immediately roll out of the way.

Movement feels smooth, controls are pretty good and the combat has some solid design.

It doesn't end there, the game is constantly introducing new enemies throughout the 1 hour run time the game lasts.

On top of this and this is what the seals the deal for the game for me is that the game constantly encourages use your moveset to gaurentee survival.

For example to hit the skeleton enemies need to use shield bash or else you won't be able to combo them and you take damage, normal sword wielders need to be hit using heavy attacks to break their guard, bigger enemies need to be hit from behind, the slime enemies need to be hit with specific ice, fire and thunder spells in order to effectively kill them. You can deflect projectile attacks back at some enemies if timing your attacks right, you have to shield bash fireball enemies to have them explode, bulls have to be avoided and can't be attacked and ally attacks MUST be used for crowd control or else the enemy waves will overwhelm you.

There is a one hit kill enemy that appears later in the game but the game gives you enough ways to dispatch him like using magic, ally attacks, and combos that it never felt unfair.

There is no healing items and enemies do drop health pick ups so it keeps the fighting balanced and all though I played the game on casual difficulty, it still makes use it base moves and skills to survive the basic enemy waves. The game does have pretty lengthy enemy waves but the game does such a good job at giving you enough ways to dispatch enemies and teaches you all the mechanics needed to survive that I enjoy fighting large mobs of enemies. The game gives you enough tools and moves needed to handle and beat the waves of enemies.

Games having large enemy waves are boring when combat feels limited and there is only one or two reliable tactics if even two but this game does not suffer from that.

Overall, for a free game you can beat in an hour, A King's Tale is a well put together game that is really worth looking into. If you are worried that this is connected to FF15 and it needs that game for you to enjoy this one, this can be played mostly standalone since the story is just "there" and isn't shoved down your throat. You don't even need to pay for this one, it's highly worth it. I'd even consider this to be one of the best game spin offs ever made.

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