Sunday 18 August 2024

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Review

This was a weird game for me to play. I only tried it out at all because it was one of the games that got added to the Playstation Premium Classics catalogue and I was kind of watching some of the older Star Wars movies and decided to play this.

It's a pretty enjoyable game, this is of course typical Lego game fare where you need to be familar with the source material the lego game is based on to understand anything that is going on in this game but I already knew that going in.

One thing I will commend the game for is that the PS5 version on Premium Classics is based on the PSP version and the PSP version is a decently made game, it has the cutscenes, decent visuals fiedlity and a solid framerate for what is basically a console game on portable. Since Lego games use a follow cam you don't need camera control on the right stick.

Other than that, the game mainly just consist of your usual lego game fare, there's so many of these games but essentially what the game boils down to is that they are escort missions with multiple characters and the name of the game is to escort all of the characters you play as across the level by switching between characters to use each of their abilities to solve puzzles to get past a certain part of the level. There is combat and it's pretty basic, I'm not sure if this is in the other versions of the game, but the hit detection for lightsabers feels off and if I'm not using jump attacks, the enemies don't really react to attacks with any geniune feedback.

Blaster characters felt better to use but the side step dodge rolls are contextual and most of the time, I'm better off just tanking hits and then respawning right after since there isn't much pentality for death in Lego games most if not all the time.

Much of the meat of these games is to smash the environment to pieces and then make new objects out of them in order to progress the level. There is also switch pulling, lever pushing, vehicles to activate switches, use them as a jumping off point to reach higher places or using them to destroy bigger lego objects. Characters have special abilities too, Jedi like Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan can use the Force and can double jump, Leia and Han have grapple hooks to reach higher places and Droids like R2 D2 and C3PO can interact with certain doors while R2 D2 can glide.

The gameplay is pretty simple just smash things, build new things, switch to characters where you can use contexual circle button commands, some light platforming, and combat but what makes this formula so endearing is that it's simple enough to be stimulating and engaging but not overly confusing enough to be obtuse and offputting. It's not going to be the best designed action games with adventuring but they are competently made that I'm not bored when I'm playing.

My only major gripes with the game is how much combat there is for how not so good it is, there is many moments in the game where you have to wipe out a wave of Stormtroopers that seem to be come in endless droves. If combat wasn't so sub par, fighting these hordes of enemies would be enjoyable but instead it's an exercise in tedium where I need to mash the shoot button or with Jedi mash the attack button and jump to kill enemies, die respawn, rinse repeat.

That and another thing that might be exclusive to this game I dislike is Stromtrooper disguise puzzles where you need to put on a helmet in order to fool the scanner to progress the game, this would be fine but considering my above mentioned issue the game having too much combat and enemies on top of not being hit once will remove the helmet makes these sections annoyingly tedious.

Final complaint is that the vehicle sections aren't that great and mainly just consist of mashing and the fire button and pressing circle to throw some purple orbs at a target, it's an okay distraction but so many of these vehicle sections play the same way. It's a good thing there's a few.

Overall, it's a solid Lego game, you played one of these games especially before the Skywalker Saga you played most if not all of them but it is a decent enough formula that is reliable enough to support so many games. I had a good enough time with it even if the game isn't mind blowing. It's the original SW trilogy recreated in a Lego game format and the game never strays away from that.

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