Saturday 11 May 2024

Mighty Goose Review

Best way of describing this game is that it feels like Metal Slug where it's possible to beat without using infinite continues and respawns. If you ever wanted to play Metal Slug but without it needing to feel impossibly difficult then Mighty Goose is for you, it sure as hell felt like it was made for me. I like 2D side scrolling shoot em ups and the Metal Slug kind in particular and this game is all that minus the part where it feels like you need to have infinite respawns to get anywhere.

If you are Metal Slug expert and wish for their challenge that those games provided then Mighty Goose might be a disappointment but for me more casual and forgiving Metal Slug game is something I welcome.

Everything that is great about Metal Slug is here, the amazing animations, the over top carnage and explosions, the super satisfying weapons with great feedback like the shotgun, rocket launcher, and machine gun, the over the top narrator, the vehicle sections, it's all here.

Mighty Goose however has some differences that makes it easier for newcomers for this kind of game, one it has infinite continues and retries upon dying, no lives here thankfully, a dodge roll, you get assists in the armory to help you out in battle, what secondary abilites to have like throwing a grenade or slo mo, and a buddy to assist you in combat and this is the biggest game changer, a superpowered mode where Mighty Goose will do more damage and is invincible for a certain period of time until the meter runs out. All of this helps Mighty Goose to being a more approachable Metal Slug without needing infinite respawns.

I don't have much in the way of issues other than the slo mo during combat can be quite grating since they feel like unskippable cutscenes during combat and I just want to get back to the action when they are happening, there is a little too much clutter and stuff happening on screen that it can be hard to keep track of what is happening to your player character especially during sections with lots of enemies and explosions happening at once, me wishing the final boss has a checkpoint on the final phase rather than me doing all the easy phases over and over again just for the game to give me an assist to beat the final phase, I just wished it just checkpointed on there instead of robbing me of a victory because the game got annoyed for having me die to the final phase so many times.

Finally, the game is just too short, I mean I came to this game at all because it was short but I was enjoying the game so much that I wished there were just more levels but at the same time, if a complaint of a game is that it leaves me wanting more, then game did a damn good job at having me enjoy what is already there.

Overall, Mighty Goose is a very good game if you want to play a more approachable and accessible Metal Slug. It's a damn good time that lasts less than 2-3 hours.

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