Monday 27 February 2023

Short Game Reviews and Thoughts: February 2023

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R:

Game is alright, and while I am not a fan of the story mode of the PS3 game being removed, what's here is decent and I will admit I liked the game the more I played it since I got more used to the mechanics and how it worked. That and well Stand users are way more overpowered than Hamon users. It's weird the bosses for Part 1 and 2 were really difficult but from Part 3 and onwards, it got noticeably easier. The assists you get after you lose a fight and you have to pay for come in really handy against those bosses, the game gets so much easier later that you will be rolling in so much money that you can buy occasional assists on a hard fight.

Overall, for a guy who mostly if not always plays game for the campaign, Jojo Eyes of Heaven is the better game due to having an actual plot, and an actual campaign structure but this game is okay, but get on a sale at a noticeably reduced price.

Song of the Deep:

Yup, I can safely confirm it, Song of the Deep is easily Insomniac's worst game out of the ones I played. Insomniac making a metroidvania sounds awesome right? Nope, most of the game's challenges comes from fighting with the game's physics and knowing where to go next. The map outright lies to you, and I always quit this game around the Spider boss since all of the tedious shit this game has becomes more obvious like the imprecise combat and fighting with the physics. And the camera really sucks and in a 2D game shockingingly since every time the spider boss throws you all the way down, you can't even see where your character is, and for a game that is supposedly a metroidvania, there is barely any backtracking, and it's solving tedious physics puzzles. I didn't like this game when I played it years ago, and time hasn't been sweet on it.

Star Wars: Demoliation:

Pretty sub par Twisted Metal style game by the devs of Vilgilante 8. Both those games are much better than this one. My big issue is the shield and weapon system, I get that they were trying to make the vehicular combat feel more in line with Star Wars but due to this, so many of the battles feel like a rush to get to the nearest shield recharge and weapon station. Every time, you take a lot of damage, it's a rush to a recharge station, and you can't continously pummel enemies since you need to have your weapons recharge. The result of making this game more unique from other games like it makes the game more tedious.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands:

At first, I liked this game, but the more it went on, the more I started to get sick of it. The combat is pretty solid but the game starts to reveal how dull it actually is after a couple of hours, the game's main story is pretty short, but it drags itself out by making the player do side quests and even on easy mode, you can't avoid this, if you try to engage in later story quests when enemies are way higher levelled than you, then you might as well quit the game or want do hours of side quests that robs the main story of it's agency. Playing this game reminded me of why I never liked this series or looter shooters in general. The gameplay is super one note, the length is padded as all hell, and it's easy to die over and over unless you play coop. I was hoping that a shorter version of Borderlands 3 would finally get me into the series, but I am just starting to think this franchise and looter shooters in general was just never for me. Playing a game where assault rifles and shotguns do more damage than rocket launchers, how fun is that.

Tried to play this game in matchmaking and it either crashed after joining a game or the game would end less than 5 minutes after me joining a party, even playing the game the way it was intended is a chore.

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell:

Saints Row Gat of Hell is a weird game. It's basically a game with a cool movement system but the missions is a random side mission selector. It's basically you doing side missions for 95% of the game but with a loose narrative tying it. If it were any longer, I would've stopped playing, but the game ends right before I started to get really bored.

The final boss was an annoying damage sponge and I had to lower the game to easy so he would die faster and the game in general really feels unbalanced, enemies would give health drops but it's super inconsistent, and the chair weapon you get is insanely overpowered. It can cut through the hordes of enemies outside of the final boss with ease. You also have a bunch of useless powers that I rarely ever used outside of when the game told me too, cooldowns for them are way too long and I would rather just use my hitscan and conventional weapons since they require less effort to use. The narrative despite have some few entertaining moments like the villains from Saints Row 2 and 3 popping up again as mission givers but at the same time, since there is no main missions, they come off more as glorified cameos at best. The missions also start to get old when you do them for the 20th time.

So despite my complaints what are aspects I liked? The movement system is great, I love flying around the city while also running around at fast speeds, it's esstentially a game with DC Comics characters like Superman and the Flash in one, if DC were to ever make games with them. Weapons feel decent enough, and like I said before the game is super short, so once it really starts to wear thin, the game ends.

Overall, Gat of Hell is not a game that will light your world on fire but I was looking for a game I could beat quickly and this game fits the bill. If you want a game to beat in a long boring afternoon with nothing else to do, you can't do worse than this.

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