Saturday 16 October 2021

God of War: Ascension Review

For the sake of crossing off the final Greek God of War game and while the game isn't terrible, it's just forgettable and mediocre. Everything about it felt like I was going through the motions and the Uncharted like climbing didn't help it. I can't really think of anything that Acension has over other games in the series. It's such a shame because God of War 3's engine looks amazing and is fantastic here, and it pains me to see it get wasted on a forgettable game.

Everything Acension does, God of War 3 does better. The story is almost like an anime filler arc. The events of it never gets mentioned later in the series and it just feels so skippable. Kratos is extremely boring and stuff where he says, "I have spilled enough innocent blood" feels unearned. Orkos and Kratos barely even interact. 

The ending is so contradicting considering Kratos still remembers and hates himself for killing his family later in the timeline anyway. It's out of place. An alright game, but I am reminding myself that games I found mediocre at the time are still mediocre now.

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