Thursday 22 September 2022

Syphon Filter 2 Review

It's...not that great. My big issue with the game is how scripted it is and how terrible the stealth mechanics are. The first Syphon Filter gave you open or decently sized maps to do objectives or in some levels do the objectives in any order but Syphon Filter 2 drops all that for scripted missions where you must absolutely follow the beaten path and if you do anything outside of what the game wants, the game will count it as a fail state. It doesn't end there either, there is much more stealth and partner the lack of a detection meter with inconsistent and erratic AI and it leads to even more irritation. It can lead to frustration since I am not sure what the guards' sightlines are half the time, one minute they can see me from far away and another minute they can't spot me when I am close, this is a no no when it comes to stealth game design since it makes it hard to tell what and what is or is not is optimal for sneaking. The taser also got nerfed. If it weren't for the save states and rewind on PS5, I would've quit the game a lot sooner, but it helped make the game much more playable.

Some good stuff is that the story is kind of okay if kind typical spy movie fare and the characters are decent, I do still like Gabe Logan, and his voice actor's delivery still makes him. The sound design for the weapons are pretty good. The last 2 missions also felt the most like SF1 as well if still scripted. Overall, a rather unremarkable sequel for a game I quite liked.

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