Tuesday 31 May 2022

Vanquish Review

I still love the game, the game's action feel still feels fast, chaotic and vast. It's crazy how much stuff is going on screen with bullets flying, the amount of npcs and so much destruction going on and the game keeps a steady framerate throughout all of it. The weapons and feedback when playing a game where you only fighting robots feels unique to this day. I also love the small and crazy details to combat like boast dodge cancelling, reload cancelling, shooting grenades and the different melee moves weapons have. I also love this is the only game I can think of where you can dodgeroll so goddamn fast and it feels awesome.

Also, playing this game and it feels so early 00s, the art style, the music, the setting to name some examples. The best way of describing this game to me(and I know apparently P.N.03, various anime, and G.I Joe were big influences on the game) is Zone of the Enders meets Max Payne meets Halo.

I know this was a big point of contention for the game but I think is one of it's greatest strengths is the length. The game's brisk pace is the reason why I replayed it so many times. The game's campaign is non stop action packed thrill ride and since it's so short no level overstays it's welcome and the campaign is constantly moving to the next action sequence, there is never a dull moment and the length complements it perfectly, have this game be around over 10 hours and everything starts to wear thin.

Now, with all that praise out of the way, here comes the issues I have and tbh, they have been issues I had for a while, first of all, why can't you have a melee attack that at least can kill weaker enemies? Every melee attack causes the suit to overcharge, and while I get this with stronger enemies, why the hell can't Sam's suit at the very least not be able to hit robots with a rifle butt? Transforers Cybertron games and Warhammer 40K Space Marine can give you melee attacks that can kill weaker enemies and I think this game can put it in too. It's can be super irritating as shit to have an enemy with a sword come close towards you and if you hit them once it causes a suit overheat and enemies can get close a lot, this now leads to another issue I have, every time you are at critical health when suit power has charge, the game will active slo mo automatically, and this I don't mind but my issue is that why can't I turn it off AFTER my health is restored? You can turn off slo mo at any time when aiming but you can't do that when health is recovering? Seems inconsistent, and it can become a problem when the action gets so intense that one slo mo health recovery won't be enough and you are surronded by enemies and that eventually leads to dodge rolling so fast that slo mo health recovery hopefully kicks in.

This is an issue I have with the game for a while but screw the one hit kill bullshit in this game, there are times where I will be at full health and suit is charged up and then I will randomly die for no reason even with suit energy not even used, nothing angers me more than randomly getting in one hit out of nowhere. Now the final issue and this is new to this latest playthrough of the game, but the Anti Armor Pistol is BROKEN, it makes Halo CE's pistol look like a damn peashooter. This gun breaks the game's difficulty in half the same way Bane broke Batman's back. You still got to use other weapons from time to time, but the tougher encounters you use the Anti Armor Pistol on and it makes short work of all stronger enemies and bosses. Upgrade this thing and the Burns boss you can deplete his health before you even get to the final phase and the same goes for all the bosses. It is good there are no pistol rounds for the final boss because that would ruin it and Vanquish's final boss is surprisingly good for not just a TPS but shooters in general in how fast paced it feels and how in line it is with the rest of the game.

Overall, I still love this game, so much so that I beat so many times and I wrote this long review of the game, I am still super bummed this game never got a sequel and ends on a cliffhanger because I feel this game if it got sequels really could've been something as a franchise.

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