Friday 13 May 2022

Iron Man(2008) Game Review

I played the PS2 version for this review.

It was an interesting game if a typical movie tie in game where it feels like the devs wanted to make a good game but they were forced to rush it out the door like Captain America Super Soldier to name an example.

It's weird, everything that could potentially make for a good Iron Man game is all here, including the story(which I may even prefer over the 90s cartoon). The controls feel pretty fluid and the whole "wiring" system power to armour, flight and weapons all feel in character. There's a good number of flight and on foot action. There's even a good number of Iron Man villains here and some not even in the MCU or have really far removed versions like Titanium Man, Whiplash, Witney Frost, the Maggia and AIM to name some examples, everything is all here.

Where the game faulters is how much jank it suffers from for being a movie tie in game, while the weapon sound effects feel weighty and they should since you are using 3 weapons for the whole game, the melee feels weird in that no one ever reacts with much force to getting hit, and awkwardly fall down, this can be said for many of the death animations. Tony walks for a few seconds before activating a switch and the boss fights feel like 90s fps boss fights in that you just shoot them or shoot them and their minions and then they die.

Horgan, Stane, and Witney being the worst of them. Another issue is how many objectives mainly consist of blowing stuff, flying around and blowing stuff up, there was some interesting shakeups like how there are radar jammers but they are few and far between, and you fight the same enemies a lot, the same tanks, helicoptors, foot soldiers, jeeps, rocket launcher foot soliders and when the game throws armoured enemies into the mix, they are brain dead can be beaten easily and don't add much to combat.

Overall, I mainly just played it out of curiousity and it was okay.

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