Saturday 5 August 2023

Demonic Supremacy Review

I know me talking about this game at all probably won't mean much considering the fact that as of now it has no HLTB page, most people probably "beat" the game through the level skip cheat and got the all the trophies and achievements that way and how it's basically an indie game that released with little to no fanfare to the point where you can barely find any reviews on it, and it pains me to say this since I want to enjoy any game I go but this game was just so bad on so many levels.

People often compare this game to Doom when in reality, it is basically just an bargain bin indie knockoff of People Can Fly's Painkiller. It has the "hell" theme and asethetic, the metal music, the rewards you can unlock when you find money throughout the levels to unlock special abitlities, the enemies, levels and weapons look like stuff straight out of Painkiller, if you ever wanted a low a budget knock off of Painkiller this game is as close you will get to that.

I will admit, 50 levels for less than $20 is rather impressive when you play it at first. But then the more I played the game, it's basically the same recycled enemies, levels, asthetics, and gameplay for the whole thing. Basically this is the game what people like to bash Serious Sam for being. SS introduces new enemies, new weapons, and have you progress throughout the entire level and go through arena after arena and then you slowly make it to the end making the level completion feel like a journey where Demonic Supremacy has standalone arenas with resused level design and asthetics with cramped level design and for some of the levels you knowing exactly where enemies will spawn from, and just hold the fire button and watch them die and they spawn, this pretty much feels like FPS level design that is a pisstake.

Sure the game might seem to have more mechanically going on like the game giving you a shout attack and a dash, but the dash gives a white swipe on the screen whenever you use it making it hard to tell where you are on the arena when using it and the arenas are already too small to begin with. The shout was mostly useless since it rarely killed that many enemies.

The "BFG" style weapon felt awkward to use since it took forever to charge up and would hardly ever fire so I stopped using after a point since the greande launcher was more effective.

The weapons sounds and damage animations are nothing special and do very little to make me want to beat the game properly.

I started to play with cheats since the cramped arenas were, repetitive enemies and levels were starting to annoy me and I wanted to beat the game with some degree of "honor" and not use the level select cheat to get all the trophies but I gave up and eventually used the cheat to "beat" the game.

The game may look kind of appealing especially with it's less than $20 price tag but stay far away from or just use the level skip cheat to get the Platinum Trophy after all looking up trophy data for the game and everyone one of them has a "common" on it where most games would have say "rare" the more you go down. I wonder why that is...

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